The Kits Miller at all V.S Dover area School board
How did humans come about earth? The two theories that humans came up with were
Evolution and Intelligent design. Evolution says that humans evolved on earth through natural causes. Intelligent design says different. Intelligent design says that humans were created leading to the thought of gods and religion.
The Kits Miller at all V.S Dover area School board court case broke out in the year 2005. This case was a result of a controversy that erupted in Dover, Pennsylvania. This controversy began when a Dover, Pennsylvania school board wanted to teach intelligent design. This case was really based on the definition of intelligent design. Which is now defined as creation.
The people that support intelligent design had a questionable theory. They based creation on a single bacterial cells motor. This motor is called the flagellum. The evidence was supposed to be that the flagellum couldn’t exist through natural causes. So in that case they say it had to be created. This evidence was not strong enough to prove the case.
The people that support evolution won the case. Their evidence was that evolution backs up and is proven to relate and explain other theories in the body. So if evolution is wrong then some of the education that everyone in grade school receives in science class is false information. So due to the fact that their evidence was stronger and more realistic schools cannot teach Intelligent design. But in fact they can refer to it in classes and explain both views. And personally I think that the world ought to know both sides of the story.